We Are Open

Our office is currently open during limited hours and Dr. Alla Weisz is seeing patients upon request. I am always available to consult with you at any time. I will be happy to answer your questions, refill prescriptions or see you in person at my office or at your home, if necessary.

—Dr. Alla Weisz

Good News!

I am proud to announce that on March 30 I was approved and received privileges at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center.

Social Distancing Updates

The Federal Government has extended the nationwide social distancing guidelines for the month of April Some highlights:

  1. Avoid social situations that involve groups of ten or more.
  2. If you are 65 or older, stay at home at all times, if possible.
  3. If you are employed, you should work from home, if possible.
  4. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly especially after returning home from public places such as the grocery store or pharmacy.
  5. If you must go out in public, stay at least six feet away from others.
  6. Avoid gatherings of ten or more people in your home.

I advise you to adhere to these guidelines as closely as possible.

Florida Update

On Monday, March 30, Governor DeSantis announced his signing of the Safer At Home Executive Order that targets four south Florida counties, including Palm Beach County. He pointed out that 60% of all COVID-19 cases in Florida are located in these four counties.

The order authorizes city mayors to enforce curfews, if necessary. It also establishes locations, like the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, for the National Guard to set up testing sites.

According to Johns Hopkins Hospital, here are the best ways to protect yourself from the virus:

More questions? Call our office at 561-802-7999.

According to Johns Hopkins Hospital, here are the best ways to protect yourself from the virus:


FL. Dept. of Health

FACEBOOK Corona Virus Update

CDC Corona Virus Prevention Page

Hope on the Horizon

While it is certainly too soon to be sure, it appears that there has been some testing and treatment progress made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thanks to fast-tracking, the FDA on Monday, March 31, approved a new Coronavirus test, developed by medical-device maker, Abbott Laboratories, that provides results in 5 minutes.

According to the company, it plans to start making 50,000 test kits per day. The kits are small and portable and may be used in almost any environment. The company has also received USDA emergency authorization “for use by authorized laboratories and patient care settings.”

Other pharmaceutical and healthcare product companies such Johnson & Johnson, Gilead, GlaxoSmithKline, and Pfizer are also fast-tracking products that are intended to diagnose and treat COVID-19.

Our office is closely monitoring the development of these solutions so we will be able to have them on hand as soon as possible.

Here is a photo of the new Abbott Labs Coronavirus testing device:

Now Is The Time to Think About Starting a Hobby

Living during a time of social distancing might just have a silver lining. This might be the time you finally get to engage in that hobby you’ve always thought about taking up. For example, I’ve been able to find the time to attend to the repotting and replanting of my orchids. The climate and soil are perfect here in southern Florida and the results can be amazing. Many people find gardening and working in the yard to be very therapeutic and calming. It’s the perfect outlet for being in social isolation all day. Check out the photo of my first blooms.

My husband is now finding the time to pursue one of his “bucket list” items, writing the score for a Broadway musical. He says it really helps him relax and feel like he is being productive.

One of our member patients has shared a fascinating hobby with me.

It’s called Book Cutting and, to be honest, I had not heard of it before.

It involves taking old books, destined for the trash heap, and converting them into beautiful works of art through the cutting and folding of its pages into elaborate and delicate designs. Please see the photos to get an idea. More may be seen by searching for Book Cutting at the Pinterest or Etsy websites.

Whether your long-ignored hobby is scrapbooking, performing card tricks, or learning to play an instrument, there’s no better time than right now to pursue it. It will help to maintain your mental health which greatly impacts your physical health.

Please contact me with photos and a description of any new hobbies you have taken up during this period and I’ll share them in a future newsletter. Thank you very much.

Here are some Book-Cutting Photos and a shot of my newly-blossomed orchids:

My Favorite (easy) Recipes

Since social distancing is keeping us out of our favorite eateries these days, and delivery or pick-up may not be that desirable, this is a perfect opportunity to engage in some healthy home cooking. Although some ingredients are not easily available, it is still a really a good time to try those dishes you’ve always wanted to prepare.

Here are two of my healthy favorites recipes. Be sure to send me photos of your culinary creations and I’ll be glad to share them in the next issue of Concierge Connection.

Have fun and stay in good health and good cheer.

from: The Jerusalem Cookbook:

from: The Millennial Kosher Cookbook: