With COVID-19 winding down, many Palm Beach County residents are making springtime travel plans for the first time in years. Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter and North Palm Beach residents who hold memberships in concierge primary care medical practices, like Weisz Concierge Medical, enjoy an added benefit when packing for their getaway. They can take their family doctor with them!

Concierge Doctors Offer TeleHealth Support While Traveling Abroad to Members

Having direct access to your primary care doctor is particularly valuable to travelers headed outside the United States to areas where healthcare standards may be different than at home. As long as you are able to access phone service, Dr. Alla Weisz is only a telephone call or a text message away, no matter where in the world you may be headed. An unexpected medical situation can ruin a well-planned holiday vacation, particularly if you find yourself stranded and cut off from your regular medical provider.

What Members Should Do When In Need of Medical Care Support While Traveling

Should that happen to you or to a member of your family, Dr. Weisz will be able to coordinate with the medical professionals in your area, quickly providing them with your medical history and advising them about the particulars of your care. That means you’ll be able to take along the most valuable thing you can pack for your vacation: peace of mind.

Helpful Travel Tips to Help You Stay Healthy

Here are a few travel trips to help you stay healthy during your vacation:

  1. Avoid aisle seats on planes. You may want to be more selective when it comes to booking your seat on a plane. Yes, you can get up more easily from an aisle seat, but not only will you get less rest when your neighbor makes you get up, but you also might be exposed to more germs.
  2. Get plenty of sleep. A recent study showed how critical sleep is when it comes to staying healthy, especially if you’re crossing time zones, as a disruption to a person’s circadian rhythm can compromise their immune system.
  3. Don’t forget a first-aid kit. It’s helpful to pack some simple first-aid supplies while traveling, especially if you’re vacationing with kids. Your kit probably should include acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain or fever, DEET-containing insect repellent, antibacterial wipes or gels, a motion sickness remedy, an anti-diarrheal like Pepto-Bismol or Imodium, adhesive bandages, disinfectant, and an antibiotic ointment like Neosporin.
  4. Meds go in your carry-on. If you’re flying and bringing personal medication, pack it in your carry-on rather than checked luggage, just in case your bags are lost in transit.
  5. Hydrate throughout your vacation. It’s easy to lose track of how much water you’re actually drinking when sightseeing or enjoying poolside cocktails. Keep a water bottle with you wherever you go, and get a good head start to the day by drinking two full glasses of water upon waking up or with breakfast.
  6. Stay active. You may think that your ideal vacation should consist of lying on the beach all day, but you will actually feel better and eventually more rested if you incorporate physical activity into your vacation time. Whether that means taking advantage of a hotel gym, exploring the local sights by walking or riding a bike instead of taking cabs, or even doing some pushups, jumping jacks, or yoga in your room, it’s easy to add regular cardio while you’re away. Exercise bolsters the immune system and releases feel-good endorphins.
  7. Protect your skin. You don’t want a painful sunburn putting a damper on your trip. Pack a hat and an umbrella and use sunscreen with an SPF of 30+ to protect your skin from the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. While the sunburn will go away, the increased risk of skin cancer remains, so take this protection seriously.
    Finally, make sure you have our office’s phone, fax and email information with you in case a medical situation arises. And…drop us a postcard from your holiday destination.